White Christmas

was first released in 2006 on the dvd "And Through It All".


Be able to follow with the best of the business! [Dec]
Alright then! Well, eh... [Robbie]
What do you fancy [Dec]
I got it! [Robbie Williams]
Are you ready? [Robbie Williams]
Okay! [Ant]
Okay! [Robbie]

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh[Choir]
I'm dreaming of a white [Robbie]
A wop wop bow wop bow woppie doo bie dob bow [Choir]
He's dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dream, dream, dream, dreaming [Choir]
A wop wop bow wop bow woppie doo bie dob bow [Choir]

Oy, aren't they good, are you liking that? [Ant]
Yeah, they're ace, aren't they [Ant]
You carry on Rob [Ant]
Anything you sing, they follow, anything you sing [Ant]
Okay, let me gather myself, here we go [Robbie Williams]
Okay, to three [Robbie Williams]

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas [Robbie Williams]

He wants it white, not red or green [Choir]
The whitest Christmas he'd ever seen [Choir]
Yeaahh [Choir]
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh[Choir]

Just like the ones I used to know [Robbie Williams]

That he used to know, used to know, used to know [Choir]
Ah wap wap boo wap boo wappie doo boo wap pow [Choir]
He really only used to know of white [Choir]
That's right, they where white, white, white [Choir]

Carry on Rob, we will follow [Ant]
Alright then! [Robbie Williams]

Where the tree tops glisten and children listen [Robbie Williams]

They listen, listen, they lis, lis, listen [Choir]

To hear [Robbie Williams]

Lis, lis, listen [Choir]

Sorry man, they won't say another word [Ant]
You promise? [Robbie]
They won't say another word [Ant]
Not another word [Dec]
Okay [Robbie]

To hear the sleigh bells in the snow [Robbie]

Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong doooooong![Choir]
Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong doooooong![Choir]

I see what you did there! You didn't say a word, you just donged [Robbie]
Just donged a bit [Ant]
Yeah okay [Robbie]

To hear the sleigh bells in the snow [Robbie]

Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow[Choir]
Ah fair enough [Robbie]
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow[Choir]
Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow[Choir]
The snow, the snow, the snow snow snow [Choir]
The snow like Robbie used to know [Choir]
A rateketak rateketak rateketak [Choir]
A rateketak rateketak rateketak [Choir]

Where the tree tops glisten and children listen [Robbie]
To hear the sleigh bells in the snow [Robbie]

Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow[Choir]
Children do you listen to sleigh bells ring[Choir]
Ding dong ding[Choir]

May your days be merry and bright [Robbie]
And may all your Christmas' be white [Robbie]



Robbie Williams

Written By

Irving Berlin

Original Artist

Bing Crosby